
My Portfolio

These are some of my personal and freelance projects that I can show you. feel free to reach me and I’ll craft a custom experience for you.

To-do App

React, Context API, Axios, Nodejs, Express, Mongoose, and JWT.

To-do App with authentication and tasks, which can be created, read, updated, deleted, and completed

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News App

React, styled-components and Material-ui

News App that utilizes the API and returns news grouped by categories.

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Warehouse Management System

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL

Warehouse Management System for a pharmacy, which has features such as barcode compatibility, management of sales, funds, and products.

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Weather App

React and styled-components

A simple Weather app build with react, that utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API and return the current weather for a given location.

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Travel Agency

Bootstrap, Pug, Nodejs, and Express.

A travel agency website to offer travel experiences throughout the world with the feature that you can leave your testimonial of the service.

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Personal Portfolio

Gatsby, styled-components, graphql, and strapi

Personal Portfolio to show my projects, offer my services as a web developer and share content through my blog.

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Breaking Bad App

React, styled-components and axios

App with infinite scroll to show characters, episodes, deaths, and quotes of Breaking Bad.

View on GitHubDemo

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